Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Celebrating Entrepeneurial Mojo!

     A  woman recently asked me why I REALLY started the Tell a Girlfriend Network….what was my true motivation for doing it and did I really think it would work?  Hmmm….well as a matter of fact, it currently IS working, and besides the amazing members of this network, it is working for a very good reason;  I love what I do.  I don’t love every single aspect of it because it comes with its challenges like everything else but for the other 99% of the time, I LOVE IT!   I take this network so personally that it has the power to fuel me and I can’t wait to see who will show up next, what I will learn and how I can continue to do it better…. that’s why I know it will continue to “work.”
I talk to a lot of business owners who when asked why they started their business,  tell me they do what they do because they needed to earn money….and then the next sentence is that  business is not very good and they don’t know why.  When I meet a potential new member for my network I do my best to try and meet them in person or at least have a lengthy conversion with them because I like to see and hear what’s happening  behind the cordial smile when I ask them about their business.  Do they light up when they talk about what they have created or are they flat-lining?  Does their voice go up a few octaves because they are so excited?  Are they visibly excited when talking about their business or does it sound like they’re rattling off a rehearsed elevator speech? Frankly, if they aren’t excited about their own company, then why should I get excited for them?  ( I guess the word of the day is EXCITED!) It might sound harsh, but the true success or demise of your business has more to do with you and your attitude than you think.  YOU ARE your business.  You are the spokesperson, the brand, the marketing maven, the buyer, the sales person, designer and ultimately, YOU are the person capable of making or breaking your company.
If you’re thinking about launching a new business or staying in your field for any other reason than you are absolutely head over heels in love with the product or service you offer then run away NOW….run far far away!  But if you’re getting ready to take a leap of faith because your new biz is something you’re passionate about, something all-consuming and so exciting to you that you can’t sleep, then sign me up for your mailing list because I will be the first one at your door to buy your products and help spread the word about you.
Of course we all want to make a living and I can't think of too many of us that don't enjoy a paycheck, but I can promise you that if you are not truly and visibly passionate about what you’re creating, then you are going to fight for every dime you make.  It’s going to be like pulling teeth to get people to walk through your doors or order your products because whether you like it or not, people can sense your nonchalant attitude a million miles away. 
I met a woman a few years back who owned a struggling candy company.  When I asked her what made her candy so special, her response was “ well, I don’t really eat candy, but my kids love it.”  WHAT?  You’re not eating your own products and yet you want me to buy them?  Does anybody see a problem with this besides me?
I know another woman who has NEVER once mentioned how much she loves her products, she talks ONLY about how much money she is NOT making and all the things that are wrong with her business.  She complains constantly about the lack of clients she has, how tired she is, how much she dreads going to her shop, the husband who doesn’t support her, the kids who make her life difficult and on and on.  I wait every time I see her for just one shred of hope or excitement about her business and three years later she is still struggling and I am still waiting.
I realize, and believe me, I know from personal experience that running a business on your own can be a daunting nightmare.  There is always life outside of your company to contend with, there are bills, marketing, competitors and a million reasons to think you are one bad day away from having to close up shop.  But then that wonderful client calls, emails or walks in.  You begin to talk about what you do and without thinking, your face naturally lights up, your heart rate quickens, and suddenly all those challenges don’t really seem so pressing because YOU are in business for yourself and you couldn’t possibly love anything more.  The enthusiasm you have for your business is contagious and suddenly your new client can’t wait to buy from you and tell every human being she knows that they need to shop from you too because she felt and LOVED your amazing energy.
People look at me a little sideways when I tell them that if I won the lottery I would continue to do what I do for free.  I would do it because when a business owner emails me and tells me she gained a new client from my network, or a woman contacts me and thanks me for introducing her to so many wonderful companies through Tell A Girlfriend my heart is suddenly full and I am in my happy place! When I am standing in a room full of business owners introducing them to one another and can feel the potential for new connections unfolding all around me, I am the happiest camper in the room.  This is what happens when you do what you do from a place of true passion. 
As a business owner, not every day is sunshine and candy, but the less than fabulous days are a bit easier to swallow when you are doing what you absolutely and intentionally love.   There will be moments when you want to slam your head into the wall, throw in the towel and hide under the bed forever, but THEN…..then you remember why you started that company to begin with and suddenly the sun shines a little brighter and the smell of Skittles is magically in the air. 
If you are anything like me and can’t wait to share your company with anybody who will listen, if you wake up almost every morning and can’t wait to create new products or ideas, if you live, breathe, sleep and unconditionally love what you are doing then YOU are already a success….you are already exactly where you need to be and the business WILL come.  When our intentions come from a place deep in our hearts, when we work our butts off from a place of love and passion then somehow with a lot of hard work and a whole lot of heart and faith, the Universe has a way of stepping in and sending the tools and the people you need to keep following that bliss.
Stay focused,
stay positive,
don’t be afraid to ask for help,
keep looking forward
and most importantly, keep that passion alive my friend….
Wishing you continued and constantly evolving entrepreneurial bliss!


  1. Thank you for this fantastic post, Heather!I read every line and took it to heart. You have to be excited about your business - that's the magic ingredient. Otherwise, it's a chore. And when you think it's a chore, your customer's will totally pick up on that...I'm going to share this article on my FB! Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much Alisa.... It's absolutely true that people are much more perceptive about how we "feel" than any of us care to admit....put good out, get good life and in business! So happy to see you here, thank you for the post!
